Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Walking around money"...

A voice from The Machine...

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell asks "Rep. Robert Brady (D-PA), Chairman of the Philadelphia Democratic Party, how the Philadelphia machine was working to ensure Joe Sestak’s victory in the closely watched Senate race in Pennsylvania. Mitchell asked, 'What is the secret here to turn out? In the old days, the old machine days, what we called ‘walking around money,’ handing out money to get people to vote. Is it still the case? What do you do, what is the magic in Philadelphia?' Brady (who looks and sounds like he came right out of central casting for the part of shady, party boss) shockingly acknowledged that the cash-on-the-streets strategy is not an antiquity but still part of the Democratic Machine’s playbook in 2010: 'We still have the street money and we’re very knowledgeable,' he said."'

So is it "get out the vote" or "buy out the vote?"

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