Saturday, March 6, 2010

Missed it by that much...

It’s been a tough week for some of our best-known politicians. Where to begin?...

Department of Overreaching: Because the health insurance reform bill has progressed so well through Congress, it’s probably a good idea to start toying with immigration. According to the Los Angeles Times story, “Nick Shapiro, a White House spokesman, said the president's support for an immigration bill, which would also include improved border security, was ‘unwavering.’" Just wondering – does this mean a public option is included?

The plan's architects/pushers: Chuck Schumer (D-Obnoxious) and Lindsey Graham (R-Milquetoast)...

Department of Underachieving: Latin American tinpot dictator Hugo Chavez recently had not-so-nice words about U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton “"To me, she's like Condoleezza Rice ... a blond Condoleezza.” No reaction yet from Dr. Rice.

Having a "blonde moment"...

You know who is going to beat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Roulette) in his upcoming bid for re-election? Harry Reid.

Say your prayers...

Add Reid: This week, the Dems’ woes weren’t all his doing. There were many contributions.

Add Dems’ woes: Looks like they are going to kill the messenger.

Over at the The People’s Republic of Matthewsanistan (aka: MSNBC), it’s just getting worse.

They told me if I voted for McCain, the Feds would “dig into Internet communications”…and they were right!

Arnold and Jerry: A tale of two (failed) politicians.

"Yeah, I didn't do that right, either..."

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