Monday, January 20, 2014

"Anti-Gun California Legislator Makes a Fool of Himself"...

If you don't know what you're talking about, you might not want to be writing laws about it...that know...that thing you don't like but don't know anything about...

You know...that gun thing.

Friday, January 3, 2014

On the radio...

A look at the year ahead...

I'll be joining Dave Conglaton (KVEC 920) at 5 p.m. tonight to discuss some of the big events of 2013...and to make some wild predictions about the new year's news.

If you're not near a Central Coast radio, you can listen online here. And don't forget, Dave takes if you'd like to join the discussion, you can call (800) 549-KVEC or (805) 543-8830.

See you on the radio!