A look at politics, society, culture and anything else on the radar...
Remember when the Administration and the Democrats in Congress were pushing for the Federal bailout of the U.S. auto industry?
One of those championing a bailout was then-Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL), the new chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, who practically led the charge against Republicans opposing President Barack Obama's pro-union efforts.
"If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side," she declared, "we would be driving foreign cars. They would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes!"
Want to guess what country Little Debbie's car comes from?
It starts with a "J" and ends with "apan." That's right, the Debster drives a 2010 Infiniti FX35 that is built by Nissan in Tochigi, Japan.
Way to put your money where your mouth is, Debbie!
Tapper adds, "The president paused, the guests stood, and the orchestra prepared to play. But the president wasn’t done speaking. 'The vitality –' the president said before the orchestra began. Then the familiar tune – you might know it better as 'My Country ‘Tis of Thee” – started up.
President Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, and Prince Philip pose for photographers prior to a dinner hosted by the queen at Buckingham Palace Tuesday evening...
"The president kept going: ' -- of the special relationship between our peoples and for the words of Shakespeare to this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England,' the president said as the awkward moment played out," Tapper notes. "The Queen looked ahead as the UK anthem played. 'To the Queen,' the president finally said. He lifted his glass to her, she smiled a bit uncomfortably."
Tapper concludes his report: "It almost felt like one of those moments at the Academy Awards when the speech from the recipient for Best Original Screenplay goes on too long and the orchestra tries to hustle him or her off the stage. Kind of weird."
Weird, indeed.
According to POLITICO, "Vice President Joe Biden surprised a gathering of donors in Cincinnati last week when he floated the prospect of his succeeding President Barack Obama in the White House [in 2016]. Biden, who started in the Senate young and would be just 70 in 2012, raised the possibility unprompted during a wide-ranging conversation at the May 19 dinner with major Democratic Party donors, a source in the room said. But the spontaneous suggestion caught the attention of at least some in the audience, said the guest, 'given he volunteered that without prompting...and given the audience.' A spokeswoman for Biden declined to comment on the exchange."
Biden for president?
On the other hand, a Biden candidacy might just be the driving force behind putting a Republican back in the White House...
JANE WELLS, CNBC: What do you think of President Obama’s suggestion that the borders be redrawn pre-67?
GENE SIMMONS, KISS: President Obama, I voted for an idea. What I didn’t realize what I was getting was an idealist. If you’ve never been to the moon, you can’t issue policy about the moon. You have no f—king idea what it’s like on the moon. For a president to be sitting in Washington, D.C., and saying, “Go back to your 67 borders in Israel,” how about you live there and try to defend an indefensible border nine miles wide? On one side you’ve got hundreds of millions of people who hate your guts, on the other side you’ve got the Mediterranean. Unless you control, in Israel, unless you control those Golan Heights, it’s an indefensible position. It’s a nice idea, when you grow up you find out that life isn’t the way you imagined it, and President Obama means well. I think he’s actually a good guy. He has no f—king idea what the world is like because he doesn’t have to live there.
Now we know why.
Ah-nold has a kid that isn't Maria's, too.
The big political/celebrity news crossed the wires Tuesday: Ah-nold had been fooling around with a member of the Schwarzen-Kennedy household staff...and that fooling around had produced another heir.
"I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family," Schwarzenegger wrote in a statement. "There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologized to Maria, my children and my family. I am truly sorry."
Shriver, a member of the Kennedy clan, also released a statement: "This is a painful and heartbreaking time. As a mother, my concern is for the children. I ask for compassion, respect and privacy as my children and I try to rebuild our lives and heal. I will have no further comment."
Don’t feel too bad for Ah-nold: according to the Los Angeles Times, "Few strategists believe that the disclosure about his out-of-wedlock child will permanently derail Arnold Schwarzenegger's political or entertainment pursuits."
The celeb-driven website, Gawker, threw up a post today in which the guv’s alleged gal pal (and supposed love child) are identified. ‘Two tabloids have just identified the woman as Mildred ‘"Patty’ Baena, age 50, a former housekeeper at Schwarzenegger's
Is this the woman (and child) in question?
That’s not where this story is ending, though.
According to Gawker (and other sources), “According to TMZ, Baena didn't tell Schwarzenegger that he was the father of her son until the boy was a toddler. According to friends, she'd ‘pursued’" him sometime in the late 90s, eventually leading to regular episodes of ‘"unprotected sex during the day at the house.’ What does this mean for our earlier story identifying a former flight attendant named Tammy Tousignant as the mother of Schwarzenegger's child? We were incorrect to identify Tammy's son, Tanner Tousignant, as the subject of the Los Angeles Times story. But we still believe Tanner could be Schwarzenegger's son, as does Daily Mail reporter Wendy Leigh, who originally broke the story in 2003. Leigh told us earlier (before Baena had been identified) that she was ‘"hearing that [the child acknowledged by Schwarzenegger] is a different child. Which means there are two.’" Indeed, given the numerous stories of Schwarzenegger's infidelity, it would hardly come as a surprise to learn that he had two illegitimate children—though, to be fair Tammy Tousignant claims to have a paternity test proving that her husband Tommy is the father of her son.”
This story isn’t over.
Not by a long shot.
Out of the mouths of former governors...
In a story posted at GeekoSystem, we learn that the following humorous mix-up occurred on German TV as a newscaster attempted to report on the special forces who killed the terror leader.
There are perils associated with apparently using Google Image Search to get material for your official news broadcast. When a German television news channel, N24, was reporting a story on Navy SEAL Team Six, the unit which spearheaded the operation which ultimately killed Osama bin Laden, the channel accidentally used a fan-made logo for the Maquis, an anti-Cardassian rebel group which originally appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, in place of the SEAL Team Six emblem.
As TrekMovie points out, there are a few differences between the logos:“[The newscaster] didn’t seem to notice (or care) that the skull in question was from a Klingon and included a bolted-on eyepatch. He and N24 also appear undeterred by the emblem’s inclusion of a phaser, 3 Klingon bat’leth swords and the word ‘Maquis.’” They also made on-air comments that acknowledged the Maquis logo and seemed to treat it as the real thing: “And they also have the ‘Team Six,’ that carried out the mission. They don’t have the skull in their emblem for nothing.”
Honest mistake.
(h/t: GeekoSystem, TrekMovie via io9 via Neatorama)
Here's a great story from the National Journal that's just part of the rich OBL-kill tapestry:
President Obama’s first brush with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency was ignominious. Out for lunch in May 2009, at a Five Guys burger franchise in Washington, the new president started to shake the hands of other customers, TV cameras in tow. Then he turned to men with government ID badges. (See video below.)
“So, what do you?” Obama asked. “I work at NGA, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency,” one said.
“Outstanding. How long have you been doing that?” the president wondered. “Six years.” Obama then asked: “So, explain to me exactly what this National Geospatial--” His voice trailed off. “Uh, we work with, uh, satellite imagery.” Obama: “Sounds like good work.” The response is obscured by the audio.
Suffice it to say: Obama knows what the NGA does today.
(Read the rest here...)
What's great about this story is that it shows how complex/multi-faceted an operation like this truly is. Not only do you have the brave special forces operators low-roping into an enemy position and overwhelming opposition with precise force (not to mention killing the target), but you've also got a host of people working behind the scenes who make these operations possible.
Special "Kill OBL" bonus: The NGA is the only U.S. intel-related agency headed by a female. (Ya gotta love that a misogynistic bastard like OBL owes at least part of his demise to a smart American woman.)