Now that the Supreme Court has opened the door for corporations to make big gifts to political campaigns, those same corporations are slamming their doors in the faces of politicians begging for spare change. And a lot of ‘em don’t think the big guy in D.C. is doing such a hot job, either.

Go away...
First, a Republican wins Teddy Kennedy’s seat in Massachusetts. The Supreme Court decides corporations, unions and every other group is equal. Then, Air America goes belly-up. Could things get any worse this week for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Blackjack)? Yep. They just did.

Thanks for coming - now go away...
Speaking of the SCOTUS campaign cash decision: Why do Democrats so vehemently oppose the high court’s decision? Might it be because it levels the field by taking away their advantages in fundraising? Of course, the GOP isn’t doing itself any favors.

Mr. Moneybags...
Now that the health care/insurance reform bill is more DOA than a week-old corpse in the waiting room, the majority party has decided to tackle (spin wheel o’ misfortune)…unemployment. This should end well.

Hmm, what other problems can I successfully handle?
Remember the 2008 election campaigns? Remember one particular party’s pledge to those “evil Bush tax cuts?” Um, yeah, about that pledge…um, not so much.
Speaking of money troubles: From TIME’s “Man of the Year” to “what did you say your name was, again?”

Don't cry, Ben. It will all be over, soon...
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