Friday, April 16, 2010

News from all over the place...

This being Friday, it's time for the weekly round-up of news...

Surprise! (Not a surprise.) - California's jobless rate inches higher

So who’s most concerned about California’s jobless rate at 12.6%? Dems, line forms to the left…

California - here it comes again...

If the Feds are saying1 in 3 Americans failed to return Census forms,” doesn’t that mean they know how many there people there are, anyway?...

From one of yesterday’s Tea Parties across the U.S.: "NBC Reporter To Black Man At Tea Party: 'Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?'" OK, how about now?...

Speaking of Tea Parties: What’s the real truth? Hint – not what you’ve been told.

Did the guy not see “Armageddon?” - Obama's asteroid goal tougher, riskier than moon

He didn't come back...

Attention bad guys in Arizona: Your “job” just got a whole lot dicier

Only three to five years? That’s kind of a lot of time, isn’t it? (No.)...

Attention Harry Reid: I hear Caesar’s Palace is looking for a greeter…

Prayer is your only hope...

So Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) “…only sexually assaulted gay staffers.” I guess that clears that up…

If only they had outsourced their space program

Just wait til they try to get through to the call center...

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