Sometimes you've got to wonder...where are the grown-ups over there? (And can you imagine what would have happened had this slip-up occurred at Fox News?)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 CNN...
Sometimes you've got to wonder...where are the grown-ups over there? (And can you imagine what would have happened had this slip-up occurred at Fox News?)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Radio week...

I will be sitting-in for John Batchelor on Tuesday and Wednesday (6-10 p.m., Pacific) this week as John takes a well-deserved vacation. I'll be discussing the news of the day and playing some of John's "Best Of" interviews. You can check local listings or John's website for details.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Desperately seeking...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The times...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The spinning wheel...

08/19/2010 AP Advisory
AP Standards Center issues staff advisory on covering New York City mosque
Associated Press Deputy Managing Editor for Standards and Production Tom Kent sent the following note to the staff about covering the New York City mosque story: Aug. 19, 2010 Colleagues, Here is some guidance on covering the NYC mosque story, with assists from Chad Roedemeier in the NYC bureau and Terry Hunt in Washington: 1. We should continue to avoid the phrase “ground zero mosque” or “mosque at ground zero” on all platforms. (We’ve very rarely used this wording, except in slugs, though we sometimes see other news sources using the term.) The site of the proposed Islamic center and mosque is not at ground zero, but two blocks away in a busy commercial area. We should continue to say it’s “near” ground zero, or two blocks away. WE WILL CHANGE OUR SLUG ON THIS STORY LATER TODAY from “BC-Ground Zero Mosque” to “BC-NYC Mosque.” In short headlines, some ways to refer to the project include: _ mosque 2 blocks from WTC site
We can refer to the project as a mosque, or as a proposed Islamic center that includes a mosque. It may be useful in some stories to note that Muslim prayer services have been held since 2009 in the building that the new project will replace. The proposal is to create a new, larger Islamic community center that would include a mosque, a swimming pool, gym, auditorium and other facilities. 2. Here is a succinct summary of President Obama’s position: Obama has said he believes Muslims have the right to build an Islamic center in New York as a matter of religious freedom, though he’s also said he won’t take a position on whether they should actually build it. For additional background, you’ll find below a Fact Check on the project that moved yesterday. Tom — |
Friday, August 20, 2010
Friday Night Light...
Today's Top 10 List: States with the Highest Income Taxes

From NYC Educator
The always reliable and informative Tax Prof Blog posts the following list of states that take the most from their citizens. There are no surprises:
The Top 10 Highest State Income Taxes: All Obama Blue States
Forbes, States (And Bill Gates Sr.) Look to Soak the Rich, by Ashlea Ebeling:
Hawaii: 11% (income over $400,000 (couple), $200,000 (single)
Oregon: 11% (income over $500,000 (couple), $250,000 (single)
California: 10.55% (income over $1 million)
Rhode Island: 9.9% (income over $373,650)
Iowa: 8.98% (income over $64,261)
New Jersey 8.97% (income over $500,000)
New York: 8.97% (income over $500,000)
Vermont: 8.95% (income over $373,650)
Maine: 8.5% (income over $39,549 (couple), $19,749 (single)
Washington, D.C.: 8.5% (income over $40,000)
(Yes, I realize the taxes listed above are state and President Barack Obama is a federal official, but the clip was too good to pass up...)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The listening post...
GUESTS: Co-hosts Gordon Chang and Jeff Bliss, The Bliss Index; David Goodman, WABC; Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA); Salena Zito, The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA)...
Wednesday, 08/18/10 - Batchelor 10pm
GUESTS: Co-hosts Gordon Chang, and Jeff Bliss, The Bliss Index; David Welch, Bloomberg; Mary Kissel, AWSJ
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
"An affront..."

Howard Dean...
The question about Ground Zero...
Harry Reid: U.S. Senate Majority Leader and...
The Top Ten Harry Reid quotes!
Number 10: Get this man a Claritin!
Number 9: The Peasants are Revolting!
Number 8, Beware the Evil-mongers!
Number 7: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.
Number 6: The Senator as psychiatrist.
Number 5: Newspaper jobs saved or created!
Number 4: Harry Supports the Troops.
Number 3: Beltway Babies Say Goodnight.
Number 2: When Harry met Barry.
And after that racial epithet, Harry doubles down! Which brings us to The Number one quote from the Harry Reid super gaffe-o-matic 76 machine: Harry stands up for diversity and freedom of choice: “I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican. Do I need to say more?”
Add Reid (from Taegan Goddard's "Political Wire"): A new Rasmussen survey in Nevada shows Sen. Harry Reid (D) in a dead heat with challenger Sharron Angle (R) in the U.S. Senate race with both getting 47% support.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Getting an education...

Arizona: a state of unbecoming?
In the middle of this severe economic downturn, perhaps no interest group is complaining about budget cuts more loudly than that connected to public education (at all levels).

"If you think that the Arizona education system has been shortchanged by recent budget cuts, how do you explain the plethora of ridiculous courses they're offering this fall at our community colleges? - How to be a Blackjack Winner; The Hollywood Singing Cowboy From Real to Reel; More Hollywood Singing Cowboys; Concealed Weapons; Know Yourself... I could go on and on. [Another example,] Celebrate Your Life: For the Mature Woman. You're supposed to wear loose fitting clothing and bring a mat to lay on. Go figure."

Radio, Radio...

The guest list and topics for tonight’s show (6-10 p.m. Pac Time):
Toshi Yoshihara - post-World War II Japan
Elisabeth Eaves - “ghost cities”
Jim Walsh - nuclear proliferation since WWII
Yifei Zhang - China coal mines
Dean Cheng - China and North Korea
Andrew Benton - higher education
Tunku Varadarajan - Hillary Clinton
Tom Henriksen - Afghan and Africa
Jonathan Knowles - robotics
Christine Loh - her book Underground Front: The Chinese Communist Party in Hong Kong
Carla Marinucci - California's budget deficit
Bill Thomas - Maryland politics
Mary Kissel - Indonesia anti-corruption court
Paul Vigna - U.S. economy
Rick Fisher - the Chinese space program.
Check the John Batchelor Show website for details, schedules, stations, etc.
Hope to see you there!
Friday, August 13, 2010
What did Jerry know and when did he know it?

The pensioner...
Earlier today, the Orange County Register (a newspaper I actually "threw" back in the early '70s as a substitute paperboy) broke a story that could have significant impact on California's gubernatorial race between current state Attorney General/former two-term Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman (R).
According to Joseph, writing in the paper's Watchdog blog, "Campaign spokesman Sterling Clifford did tell the Watchdog that Brown started receiving an annual pension of about $20,000 when he turned 60 in 1998 and pocketed it every year until he assumed the attorney general’s office, when it was suspended. That means Brown’s received a pension on top of his $115,000 salary as Oakland mayor [prior to serving as AG]."

Sign of the times...
That's a lot of rules...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Hurd it all before...